
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Salam wbt..

It has been a while...going to say that i was so busy but that would be a lie..I'm not that busy actually done with my exam right noww....Cuti yg hampir2 tiga minggu...

Alhamdulillah finish my third semester tu yg hati sesangat happy buat masa sekarang.Just looking back in all my exam..First paper lepas cuti raya hati tersangat tak best no mood raya..firts paper isnin sure ahad dah balik ostel..mlm sebelum first paper first time kot tak sihat utk sem nie nak final exam plak tu..makan muntah makan muntah dgn peningnya,dgn panas badannya time tu mcm nak nangis (sebenarnya dh nangis pon) ubat yg ada mcm dah tak berkesan langsung..mlm tu sure x dapat nak study, nasib dah study sebelum raya.Sampai la bangun pagi ingatkan dh ok sikit still gak mcm tu so terpaksa memaksakan diri utk ambil exam...time tu mampu doa je harap2 still dapat jawab n time tu tak bagitau sapa2 pon yg time berdiri tu mcm dh nk pengsan...Alhamdulillah still dapat jawab utk pagi tu ..habis paper terus balik bilik and tidur  utk first n second paper memang dah x boleh nak buat last revision kot yg mampu tidor je( berserah n tawakal je)
Utk dua paper terakhir dah kembali ok n dah jadi normal...syukur sesangat...

At time like this, I started to ask myself over a lot of things...Bagi aku apa yg berlaku semua ada hikmahnya..Walau dlm apa jua keadaan dlm hati aku cuma satu  ....fall down n cry but don't give up okkk..because we have that determination and the support from the people around us..and of course from Allah....

I wrote this , so this my first experience be like that...Still learning and always will be.Insyaallah..

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