
Friday, June 6, 2014

# take 14

Assalamualikum semua..

May Allah Bless Us Monday my first paper will be start  “Physical and Organic Chemistry “..I have exam but who cares anyway.All depends on us to fail or success.I just hope continuously be one as many days to come.Hopefully.Tingtong as usually i am just sleep and eat more..I will sleep early  and wake up 12.00 a.m like now..

Siang hari tidor je banyak and now jadi burung hantu.But ok i’m still study.Do something that i love.Terasa tersangat lambat nak habis padahal baru setahun jagung lebih kat sini.Tapi harap sesangat cepat habis and lepas nie dpt sambung master plak woowwww lagi best , memang takkan termelekat dkat rumah.Angan2 tapi Insha Allah harap sangat akan terjadi satu hari nanti.

Terima Kasih


Syazrahtarmin said...

gud luck .. heheh :)

Nurul _Tika said...

tq awk..^__^>

MisakiPureBlood said...

Good luck and I love that quote :) so meaningful XD

Unknown said...

good luck kak :)

Nurul _Tika said...

tq ::^___^

Iola said...

all the best ^^

Rexylla said...

good luck dengan exam.

jemput singgah ke blogshop kami.
blouse dan maxi dress yang cantik dan murah.
turut menjual perfume tester original.

wancrazykid said...

good luck ehhh :D

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